Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Is it 1912 or 2012? A Rally Cry for Black Conservatives

When slavery ended in the United States there was a party that was very angry, upset, and terrified of what would happen if all men were created equal, treated fairly, and had the ability to pursue their own happiness free from tyranny. This party was the Democratic Party. The party that did not want Native Americans to be free, so their President, Andrew Jackson, sent them on a trail of tears and watched thousands of them parish as they were stripped from their natural rights as human beings. The party that didn’t believe in state rights and therefore fought to ensure states could not decide for themselves if they wanted to return men and woman that escaped the south for freedom. Yes, even this same party in the 20th century during WWII sent other minorities to camps in the name of “national security” simply because they didn’t look right. This same party, after the civil war, fought long and hard to ensure the progress made by the Republican Party in collaboration with the Freeman’s Bureau would be wiped out and forever forgotten. How did they do this? Well in the years after the civil war, black Americans were making great progress---without special government accommodations. We elected representatives---black men once slaves were now representing whole states; college and universities were developed, schools built, and free markets opened to allow former slaves—with great skills from agriculture, machinery, etc. to acquire their own wealth and take care of their own families; and legislation was introduced to help black families obtain land—but the Democratic party made sure that couldn’t happen.
Using the same violent tactics the left uses today, the democrats of the 19th century began rioting, terrorizing black families (and white families that were Republicans), destroying businesses and making threats.  The GOP, which sadly still bends over to this day when these tactics are used, decided to pull out of the south in the name of “peace,” and what came of this? The KKK. The KKK was THE original terrorist organization---the ORIGINAL organization that was 100% sponsored by the state---the Democratic Party. See, blacks were starting to get out of place: they were not victimized by slavery, but victors in their struggle: they were the people of our nation that understood more than anyone the importance of individual liberty, the value and meaning of our constitution, and the importance of property rights, human dignity, and value for ones labor. This of course, like today, scared the Democratic Party. But they no longer controlled the plantations, so they had to find a new way to control blacks—fear.  

When fear didn’t work they turned to humiliation—they had to find a way to break the pride, workmanship, integrity, and strength of black people---enter Jim Crow, the Democratic Governors, and of course, the left’s appointment of former KKK members to the United States Supreme Court (the left’s favorite president, FDR).  Colored and white water fountains, segregation on buses, unions refusing to promote black employees, prohibiting black boys and girls from attending school (the DEMOCRATIC Teacher’s Union recently did this to black boys in Milwaukee, opposing a new charter school. Now, black boys are still forced to attend failing school where over 40% of the children fail)—all part of the Democratic Party’s strategy to “keep them in their place.” (oh, and don’t forget the bombs in black churches and school houses). 

When it became politically incorrect to wear a white sheet over your head and take pictures with you and your kids standing next to a black man hung from a tree because a white woman accused him of rape, they turned to a new tactic: progressivism. Instead of trying to control and enslave people directly, and instead of trying to terrify them into compliance, they turned to inward destruction—victimization. Everyone knows that the biggest factor for ones success in this country is your mental mindset: convince a whole group of people they are victims and you don’t have to worry about them getting uppity and wanting better for themselves; keep telling a people they are incapable of achieving success because the system is against them and you never have to worry about them trying to actually succeed.  (This is much cleaner and less work then lynching a man or building a cross and posting it on his front lawn).  

The rules of the plantation are the same rules of victimization: get other people to do the dirty work. See, on the plantation, many times the owner never interacted with slaves—he had an overseer. Today the Progressive arm of the Democratic Party has overseers—the black liberal elite.  It is such a better PR game to hear a black man run his mouth about racism and white guilt than it is for a white limousine liberal to address these issues. This is a much better strategy than having a white person do it—and much better than the whole burning crosses thing.  Who are these overseers? These black overseers of the modern day plantation have been around for over a century.  As Booker T. Washington (what the left would call the original sell-out) once said of the black liberal elite:

There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” --Booker T. Washington. 

Today we call them “race pimps” or “poverty pimps” or “The Congressional Black Caucus” or just simply  Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton.  Although the physical plantation is gone, the KKK is seen by a majority of Americans as an absolute joke, and the thought of separate accommodations based on skin color just strikes 99% of us as silly; the left is still hard at work doing whatever it can to get us black folk (especially conservative blacks) “back in line” and the consequences of stepping out of line—lynchings from trees or water hoses---now turns into smears, personal attacks, and character assassination of hating one’s race or my favorite, “pandering to the white man”—just ask Herman Cain. 

So to my conservative friends, especially the minorities (I thought the left would like it I referred to you all as “minorities” and not individuals), this is nothing new.  The black conservative of today may not be facing a lynching, but his treatment is just as disgusting. Unlike many, the black conservative is one of the few willing to sacrifice themselves for all of us to be free.  Like our ancestors before us, we can either live free or die trying—there is no compromising.  

I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”Harriett Tubman


  1. Great post. I only wish many more blacks would only open there minds and think for a moment and ask the pivotal question, as to why after 40 years of living in democratic controlled states, cities with black mayors, senators, and congress men. Why has there plight remained the same or in many cases much worse. It was never the intention of democrats for blacks to prosper and be thinking, self relying, functional entities in society; Only dependent upon theme for there very being. Democrats have even usurped Jesus Christ in the mindset of many blacks sad to say but it is our job to have compassion on the ignorant and those who are out of the way and lead theme to real liberty apart from government; Liberty they may other wise never truly know.

  2. Excellent post! How the times have evolved from killing with violence, to killing with kindness. By kindness I mean the perpetual welfare state that prevents the individual from achieving their true full potential. The racism is still there, it's just disguised as compassion.

  3. Actually the religious conservitves from slavery days on were dems, and they stayed in DEM party for 100 years. In the 1960's the religious conservatives switched to GOP after LBJ rammed Civil RIghts down their throat. Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, Dick Army, Ron Paul they were all in the "Dem Party" when young. But they weren't FDR Democrats. They were called "Dixie Crats" because basically they existed to oppose Civil Rights. They joined the GOP, and are still there.
